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Thanks for your interest in donating to Accelerate Change!
Your contribution will help us continue catalyzing scalable, financially-self sustainable models for nonprofit digital media.

Accelerate Change, Inc. is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
EIN number: 82-3400062
If you would like to make a donation via check, please make checks payable to “Accelerate Change, Inc.” and mail checks to the address below (don’t forget the “attention” line).
Accelerate Change, Inc.
68 Harrison Ave Ste 605
PMB 637337
Boston, MA 02111
Attention: Development Team
A copy of our latest annual financial report may be obtained from the NY Attorney General’s Charities Bureau’s Website – For more information about charities as they pertain to the State of New York, contact the NY Attorney General’s office at (212) 416-8686.